Tamiya 14073 - Yamaha YZF-R1  [14073]

Tamiya 14073 - Yamaha YZF-R1
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alt="Tamiya 14073 - Yamaha YZF-R1" title="Tamiya 14073 - Yamaha YZF-R1"
Through the entire Motorcycle Show held in Milan, Italy, in September of 1997, the Yamaha YZF-R1 supersport bicycle made its initial. Showing a robust 1000cc motor, it is the compact construction of a 400cc bike. The YZF-R1 was made for optimum feasible cornering capability in a production bike. With a 1000cc water-cooled, four swing, 4-cylinder, 5-valve engine and adopting a redesigned EXUP exhaust system, it pumps out 150hp of high-intensity energy. Simple throttle control makes both superb acceleration impact and rhythmic cornering a real possibility. The Deltabox II aluminum framework was in reality popular not only due to the rigidity, but a lot more the moderate freedom during tight cornering. With the aid of an extended length aluminum move supply, high control capability is achieved. By adopting an upside-down front side side fork, swing distance is clearly increased and traction heightened. Boasting a sharp sort with multi-reflector lights, the YZF-R1 is clearly provided an unprecedented design. From contact points betwixt your motorist and bicycle, due to them based in the chair and tank, the YZF-R1 is completely analyzed. Demonstrably, the abundance of high precision and top quality elements goes without saying. Created to cruise at high rates on winding roadways, the YZF-R1 shatters objectives about big exhaust engine motorcycles. Yamaha has expanded your options of a 1000cc bike.

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